Sophia Robot : A BIG Fraud by Hanson Robotics

Sophia is just a Publicity Stunt by Hanson Robotics

Sophia is a Robot which has ability to interact with humans using its Artificial Intelligence. It is said to be the Future of Artificial Intelligence. So many news channels have taken the interview of Sophia Robot. Question arises is Sophia so advanced and intelligent?

Actually Sophia Robot is very big scam or fraud , Sophia is regarded as the humanoid which is totally wrong. Now you will be given some evidences that Sophia Robot is not a Humanoid.

1. Sophia Robot was created by David Hanson  and the founder of Hanson Robotics. You will be shocked to know David Hanson has no qualifications and degrees in Robotics. David has done BFA in Films and Arts. David worked at Disneyland where he designed children toys. David has developed many Robots before Sophia which were minor like he designed a Robot of Albert Einstein
which was later proved to be failure afterwards.
Then after David made Sophia whose face was made similar to  British actress Audrey Hepburn. Actually Sophia is just a chat body which got attention in the media due to it face. Sophia is not much intelligent as it is shown.

2. Last year in 2017 when Sophia was famous on various news channel then American News channel CNBC also took the interview of Sophia in December 2017.
Recently on 5th June , CNBC has revealed that when they were going to take interview of Sophia, they were given Script by Hanson Robotics  and asked CNBC to ask questions according to the script provided/ CNBC has made public the script by Hanson Robotics on 5th June.

Senior writer of Yahoo Finance Melody Hahm said that he was also handed the pre-approved questions which were pre-programmed by the company.

This proves that Sophia is not  even capable of answering the questions by itself.

3. Chief scientist of Hanson Robotics , Ben Gortzel also said that whatever Sophia says that it does not understand the meaning of what it said.

This prove that Sophia is just a public stunt to remain in media that is why Hanson urged the Saudi Arabia to give citizenship, to grab the attention of common man.

David Hanson asks questions to Sophia like "will you destroy humans" so that Sophia tells " Yes I will destroy humans". Then only controversy will spread and newspapers will be printed with headlines that Sophia wants to destroy humans.

You must think by yourselves that Sophia cannot even give answers to quetions by itself. How will Sophia destroy humans. Sophia cannot even kill a mosquito.
Facebook artificial intelligence department's head Yann Lecun has posted on facebook that Sophia is a Bullshit  from human puppeteers behind Sophia . Sophia is not intelligent and has zero understanding. People are being fooled that Sophia is intelligent and smart.


Sophia Robot works on mainly 3 control systems- 
1. Timeline Editor
2. SCS (Sophisticated chat system)

Timeline Editor is based on the pre-written scripts, like if Sophia wants to give speech the developer of Sophia loads the script on Sophia using Timeline Editor.Sophia just repeats what is written on the scripts by the developer.

Second is Sophisticated Chat system is based on the char-bot system which is used when Sophia has to give interview. Before interview developer needs to install chat-bot software in Sophia so that Robot understands what interviewer is trying to say and respond with partial understanding.

Third is OpenCOG which is also known as Artificial General Intelligence which is a level of computer intelligence that fully matches with human-level intelligence. This technology is not achieved yet.
People must not rely on unauthentic prophecies .

If you want to see real Artificial Intelligence Robot. 

On 8th May in Google IO 2018, Google announced about Google Duplex.

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