Farmer protests in Delhi | Bharat Band on 8th December

 Greetings, friends!
Prior to 2014, in the event of any protest that took place, the media of our country questioned the government
and asked what the government did wrong which caused the people to protest?
After 2014, whenever protests take place in our country, the media questions the protesters
and asks the protesters why they are so "misguided" that they are protesting against the government?

Let us talk about the ongoing farmer protests in the country
More than 400 farmer organizations across the country have come together to protest against the farm bills passed against the government
On November 26th, the farmers had announced indefinite strikes, having raised slogans of "Dilli Chalo" (Let us go to Delhi)
The farmers have mainly come from Haryana and Punjab but some have come even from Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh to protest
The reaction of the government and the media in response to these protests has been extremely shocking
It raises a grave question on the country's democracy and freedom of expression
Why are these protests happening? Why are they so focused on Punjab?
And how does it show the state of our media and our government?
Let us try and find out in this video today
First of all- you must already be aware that these protests are taking place because the Modi government passed farm laws a few months ago
The laws did not appeal to the farmers across the country
Why did these laws not appeal to them has been explained by me in this previous video

Farmers protest, farm bills, bharat bandh, bharat bandh call, mumbai news, mumbai police, indian express newsI have explained in detail the root cause of the farmer protests
Let us move to the present. Ever since, these bills have become law, farmers have been protesting in different ways
And this "Dilli Chalo" march is their latest way of protesting against the government
The government tried their utmost to stop this march
They set up barricades, made use of water cannons and tear gas
and in one place, they literally dug up the highway to prevent the farmers (who were coming on foot) to stop them from crossing it
Section 144 was imposed in many places in Haryana. Bus services were suspended
There are even reports of more than 100 farm union members being arrested
More than 500 farmers were arrested in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
Infact, on 29th November, the Delhi permission sought permission from the Delhi government to convert 9 stadiums
into temporary jails
so that farmers and protesters could be detained in it
But thankfully, it is the Aam Admi Party that makes us the Dekhi government and not the BJP. And so they denied giving permission for this
Had there be a BJP government in power, the farmers might be locked up in these stadiums today
In Uttar Pradesh, where the BJP government is in power, the farmers were not allowed to gather and protest

The Uttar Pradesh government even put a stop on the printing of the pamphlets and posters that were in favour of the protests
But our farmers are extremely dedicated and stayed determined on their intention of protest
They climbed atop the barricades wherever they were put up and marched ahead
The barricades were pushed aside in some places
In places where the highway had been dug up, they made use of their hands and some tools to fill it up
They filled up the pits so that they could walk over it
In places where the water cannons were used by the police, some protesters jumped atop vehicles and turned them off
Albeit, the government has pressed charges of attempt to murder on the person who did this
This is the extent to which the government tried to physically stop the farmers, but
it was not possible to physically stop them. In the end, the government was unable to do anything
and our farmers reached Delhi to protest and carry on their march
But more dangerous than these physical attempts are the mind games being played by the sycophant media to defame the farmers
You might be able to recall the important role that was played by the media in the anti corruption movement led by Anna Hazare in 2011-12
in emboldening the voice of the protesters and raising their voice in favour of the common man
Today, the media is so sold out that it is playing the opposite role 

I am not saying the media was not sold out back then . It might have been the same back then, but the extent to which it is sold out today has crossed all limits
Instead of bolstering the demands of the protesters, the media is busy in defaming the protesters
They are being branded with different names such as Khalistani, urban naxals and Congressi funded
We all know that BJP-RSS had a very important role in the anti corruption movement of 2011-12. But,
But the media did not highlight that fact or exaggerate it to say that the protest was BJP funded or that the BJP supporters were protesting
It wasn't so, right?
But today, if the Congress and the opposition parties are involved in the protest,
then how can the protesters be labelled as "Congressi"?
 Zee News was running a hashtag #FarmersProtestHijacked and #AandolanMeinKhalistan
and implied that it is being supported by ‘Khalistani people'
Times Now is running a hashtag #KisanKanoonClash and said that opposition is “inciting the farmers”
and blamed the farmers for being responsible for another mass gathering that could lead to COVID increase.
But they are least bothered about the spread of COVID19 when the BJP leaders assemble in Hyderabad for municipal elections in Hyderabad
CNN News termed Dilli Chalo a ‘war cry’ and asked “Who is misleading farmers?”
In News18 India, Amish Devgan’s prime time  show carried taglines such as "Has the Congress incited the farmers?"
The same was done by Arnab Goswami on  Republic TV

Farmers along the Delhi-Haryana border on Tuesday
Infact the word "misled" was used very frequently on every news channel
and it was put across that the farmers are protesting only because they have been misled
and because they have been misguided by the Congress, the urban naxals and the Khalistanis
As if they do not have any reasoning if their own
It is presumed that their protests mean someone must be misleading them
Similarly, fake news and propaganda was spread by the BJP supporters and the BJP IT cell on the social media
in order to defame the farmers
For example, this post went viral in which a person is seen wearing a green turban
and it was alleged that he was a Muslim who was disguising as a Sikh to participate in the protests against the government
This was shared by a Twitter user who is followed by Prime minister Modi
 He attached a screenshot of the man’s Facebook profile which shows that his name is Nazeer Mohd.
to show that the latter was a Muslim who was disguising himself as Sikh to participate in the protests
However, a fact check by the AltNews found that the Image being shared predates farmer protests
This way, completely fake news is being spread to discredit the farmers and instigate people in the name of religion
In another incident, BJP’s Priti Gandhi, who is the national in-charge of BJP’s social media
 has tweeted a 15-second video clip from her official Twitter handle where a group of sikhs raising pro-khalistan slogans.
 Mrs. Gandhi claimed that the video is from farmers’ protest and that they are raising pro Khalistani slogans. Hence the protest is Khalistan sponsored for sure
Several people believed that
But in reality, this was an old video. And it was not even shot in India. It was shot in the UK
Another similar fake news was tweeted by Kangana Ranaut
that is- A photo of an elderly woman part of a farmers' protest
with a false claim that she is Bilkis Bano (82) the daadi (grandmother) who was part of the Shaheen Bagh protests held in 2019, against the CAA.
There was no relation between the two elderly women but since they looked similar, their images were shared to claim that the people
that were protesting against the CAA NRC are also protesting in the farmer protests
This must be their conspiracy
Say, one or two people taking part in the farmer protests turn out to be a Khalistani supporter,
then could this be a valid reason to discredit the entire movement?
Especially when we all know that there is zero support for the Khalistani movement in India
This cannot be so. This is just a means to distract
and to defame all the protesters
In reality,  this is leading to the fall of democracy in the entire country
Take a look at this chart prepared by "The economist" magazine that shows
that the indices of freedom of expression, civil liberties, academic freedom and rule of law in the country- have all seen India's rank dropping after 2014
Infact, the situation is so dire today that they are comparable to the state that was prevalent under Indira Gandhi during emergency
So, the agenda is pretty clear- first of all, the farmers that are protesting are to be branded as Khalistanis,
urban naxals, tukde tukde gang, anti nationals
The same tags that they used during the protests that were held earlier
For example, people from all across the country were participating in the protests that were being held against the CAA-NRC 

Farmers cook lunch along a street as they continue a demonstration to protest against the recent agricultural reforms at the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh state border in Ghazipur on December 7, 2020.
but there were attempts to show that only a specific section of the population was protesting
and that it was the "urban naxals and the liberals" that were protesting
Even in the case of student protests, there were attempts to color them as "opposition sponsored protests"
and that the students were being misled
Apparently, when the doctors protest, they are being misled as well
This is essential for you to understand because tomorrow, if you question the government or protest against them for whatever reason
then their machinery- the sold out media, their IT cell and their supporters will discredit you the same way
and would use words like- anti-national, Khalistani, Tukde tukde gang etc for you
Anything can happen!
According to the latest development, the Delhi police has finally allowed the farmers to carry out peaceful demonstrations within Delhi
BJP has expressed its will to hold unconditional talks with the farmers to sort out the disagreements
In  Rajasthan, Hanuman Beniwal leads a party called Rashtriya Loktantrik Party (RLP), which is in alliance with the BJP
They have threatened to quit the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) if they do not pay heed to the farmers
This would be the second party to do so after Akali Dal. Akali Dal used to be in an alliance with the BJP in Punjab
They too, had quit the alliance after the farmers bills were passed
No matter how hard they try to discredit the farmers, the reality remains that it is these farmers that are helping to feed the police
the same policemen that were charging at them with sticks
The photos of the farmers feeding the policemen have gone viral to implicate that
the farmers protests have no links from outside
and that they are protesting with their own wishes
Another question that was raised was why are only the farmers from Punjab protesting?
Another narrative is being circulated that since there is a Congress government in power in Punjab, people are falling prey to Congress conspiracy
But the reality remains that mostly the farmers from Punjab and Haryana are protesting because they are the ones that actually avail the benefit of MSP
70-80% of farmers from Punjab and Haryana avail the benefit of MSP
while farmers in the rest of the states are not able to avail the benefit of the MSP
The demands of the farmers are simple- they want a written assurance of the MSP and the withdrawal of the recently passed three farm laws
The farmers believe  that if these laws are applied, then the mega private companies would monopolize the agricultural sector gradually, over time
The procurement of the crops would come under the ambit of these companies and the farmers would be paid even lesser than what they are paid today
So many farmers in our country are facing tough days. Some of them even commit suicide
This would make their condition even worse

Thank you

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